Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Fishing in Apopka FL - Bald Eagle (Osprey) style

Last week Holly and I visited her parents Tom and Maria in Apopka FL. I purposely did not unpack my camera equipment (that I'd brought for a trip to the Everglades later in the week) so we could spend more time together. BUT I heard a Bald Eagle's cry and saw him land in a tree behind the house. I cautiously approached to get a picture but the eagle saw me and flew before I could get a shot. Minutes later the eagle returned overhead  - it was time to eat and he started spotting fish in the lake.

Look closely behind the eagle above and you'll see the splash to indicate the eagle used the "swoop" technique but missed the fish. This technique is the only one I had ever seen Bald Eagles use.

The look makes you think I was disturbing the eagle but I was a good distance away - but I like the way he/she is looking right at me.
 Off to try again..

After 15 or so minutes the eagle returned and swooped down - I was ready to see it pluck the fish from the water.

But once this gorgeous bird hit the water it was obvious that there was a change in fishing technique - somewhat akin to the Osprey method. Osprey will pounce onto a fish, then float while they manipulate their talons to align the fish head forward for streamlined flight then leap from the water.
 Master of all he surveys!
 BUT the fish proved to be a bit too big...
 This is highly overexposed - I'm mortified - but I am keeping it in to show how deep the bird sunk.
 Unable to leap from the water the eagle began to "swim for shore" using its wings like oars.
 After a few moments it tried to leap from the water again.

These photos document an amazing moment - not many of us get to see a Bald Eagle fishing and using an alternate technique. The moment is far greater than my photos - I was walking back to the house (thinking about everything else besides photography) and had not changed the settings to best capture this eagle - much to my chagrin.

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