Friday, April 1, 2016

American Kestrel - A Fighter

Yesterday I included a (?) in the title because the Kestrel is the smallest hawk and you'd be correct to question their fighting spirit. I know better; today's photos are just one example of the tiny Kestrel showing off their big heart and feisty attitude.

One afternoon I saw this female - the same one who would be one half of "our" couple of the summer. She held a vole in her talons but let's be honest, there is not much meat left on the bone - it's a remnant of a vole. But it is hers.

If you live in the West you recognize the Magpie swooping in to steal her vole. The Magpie is similar in size to a crow and shares the same high intellect but has an ugly squawk. They hang out as a mob numbering around 20-25 composed of extended relatives; aunts, uncles, cousins. Their collective squawk, especially early in the morning, is enough to make them a nuisance.  

Our female Kestrel is especially annoyed at the Magpie's presence but is not intimidated in the least.

After the attack she held her ground and screamed out her frustration. 

Moments later the Magpie was back to try his intimidation tactics a second time.

She watched as the Magpie hopped off the fence and looked ready to pounce. 

She was having none of it. The American Kestrel's fighting spirit is not to be denied. Out-sized and facing an enthusiastic attack this little lady faced down the Magpie and held onto her meal.

She would need that nutrition over the next couple of months. More Kestrel photos to follow...

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