Thursday, April 7, 2016

Hoot !

What an amazing winter it was for my introduction to Barn Owls. I had never seen a Barn Owl in the wild but saw a photo on a local bloggers post and decided to search one out.

I saw this Barn Owl at Utah's Farmington Bay WMR just north of Salt Lake City. Seeing this bird had a transformational effect on me - I now knew what they looked like, where they resided and how big they were. If you are wondering their body is about the size of a football.   

When I saw this owl take off, pick up a big mouse in a ditch (out of camera range) and land near me to feed - I was hooked. 

I returned to Farmington Bay a few times and got seriously lucky one day. I had parked my vehicle near the area I had seen the Barn Owl on previous trips. An overcast day did not portend great photos but I searched for my little friend and spotted him in the weeds. He spotted me...

jumped into the air.. 

Flew right toward me...

And landed on a post right in front of me - he wanted his picture taken. He got so close that I could not fit all of him in the frame of my camera on subsequent shots. LUCKY!! I will never have another encounter like that and I was happy to get him in focus though I would have killed for either early morning or late evening golden light.

Tomorrow I will highlight my encounter with more Barn Owls later in the month.

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